
The Basis of Premillennial Faith is unavailable, but you can change that!

Although premillennialism continues to be popular today, it is by no means a new doctrine. Rather, because of its solid foundation in biblical truth, premillennialism has been a prominent system of interpretation throughout church history. Dr. Ryrie begins this book by introducing systems of interpretation and their vital importance in studying prophecy. He then proceeds to trace how...

of perfection or completion, is a symbolic reference to the complete period between the two Advents of Christ. II. IMPORTANCE OF STUDYING PROPHECY It would not seem out of order to set forth a few basic reasons for being interested in the study of prophetic themes and consequently for the existence of this book. In relation to God. Christians should be interested in prophecy because of what God is. Either the world is out of God’s control and His plan is nothing more than a patchwork quilt, or He
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